Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Global Warming...

What do you guys think?

Frankly I care about the enviornment but am not certain that we are in any grave danger.


sarge said...

Katrina, I believe as you do, we don't know enough about our Earth. We as a civilization tend to believe in the worst. We need strong leaders who understand us and our world. Global warming is too important an issue to be influenced by partisan politics.

Katrina said...

How come caring for the earth has become more a political agenda than anything? The very same politicians fighting to save the earth are the very same people riding around in jets and owning houses that waste huge amounts of energy and let off immeasurable amounts of green house emission.

We "normal" citizens conserve gas and energy not because we have to but because we NEED to; none of us ride jets, most of us probably have cars that get more than 20 miles to the gallon and only a small percentage of us can actually afford huge houses. So how much more can I, as an individual, give up to meet expectations?

sarge said...


Global Warming has been a Political agenda for a long time . Groups like Green Peace and the Sierra Club have been feeding are minds that the Earth will end unless we go back to the Stone Ages. The groups feed on Maslow's first step, Physiological needs, when poeple believe death is near most will strive for life. I believe fear is the main weapon that the Global Warming group uses. Remember, "The sky is falling", the guestion to ask is: do most poeple look up to see if the sky is falling? I believe most will run without looking up!


Katrina said...

I guess now they have found their niche..."global warming" seems to have found a home in people's hearts. That's the only reason I can give for Al Gore winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

Most people will run also because they see everyone else doing warming is not a belief but rather a "fashionable political trend."

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