Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Monday, November 3, 2008


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

A controversial documentary created by and starring Ben Stein examines the battle between Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Intelligent Design in the realm of science. The extent in which some scientists go through to outcast those who believe in anything other than Darwin's Theory is downright frightening.

Science is supposed to be about the exploration for answer to unanswered questions. The last time I checked there was NO indisputable response to the beginning of life, yet there is only one acceptable answer being taught in schools and to the public. Since when did Darwin's THEORY become fact?!

I urge those who are interested in the study of I.D. as well as Darwin's Theory to watch this documentary with an open mind, and decide not on whether you believe in I.D. but rather on the idea that non-believers are trying to keep it censored.
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1 comment:

Katrina said...

People with birth defects are mentioned in the study of Darwinism. "Expelled" briefly shows ideology from a Darwinian point of view of such people. Maybe that is why you found me.

Best of luck to you and your family.

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