Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Obama signs 'imperfect' spending bill in private (AP)

President Obama's first 100 days in office is proving to be nothing more than a big spending spree of tax payer dollars. So much so that the Associated Press reports that he signed the last "pet project" created by Congress in private. An "imperfect" $410 BILLION bill was signed by President Obama which contained thousands of earmarks. Both Republicans and Democrats alike asked for a piece of the pie to help fund projects in their states.

President Obama said during his campaign that he will reform government's wasteful spending on earmarks, yet in his latest remarks he said he would only "...curb them and not eliminate them.";_ylt=AgqjS8QKmNILwUdfkOQHNVPZn414

How can future generations afford to pay for "imperfect" bills being passed so recklessly by the government? Has the government taken on a life of its own? Or did the majority who voted for Obama actually want this to happen? Either way its happening and those who are against it are almost powerless to do anything about it. All that can be done now is to vocalize opinions, and hope that it gets you somewhere.

Don't loose faith, just work harder to get it done!

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