Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Saturday, December 20, 2008

YES on Prop 8,2933,470544,00.html

"SAN FRANCISCO — California Attorney General Jerry Brown changed course on the state's new same-sex marriage ban Friday and urged the state Supreme Court to void Proposition 8."

After months of campaigning and millions of dollars spent on the proposal (from both sides), the General Attorney of California, Jerry Brown, wants to void the proposition that would prohibit same sex marriages. His claim is that the Proposition is unconstitutional.

In May of 2008 a ban was overturned to allow gay marriage to be legalized, with a 4-3 ruling from the Supreme Court, it created a lot of heated debate. However, it was actively enforced and people of the same sex were able to get married. Thousands of same sex marriage couple were married and given their certificates. This did not however change any laws or domestic partnership privilages that were already in place to accomodate same sex couples. It was for the sole purpose of being ackowledged as "married" or "domestic partners."

All the while, non-profit organizations such as were drumming up financial, and voter support to fight the ruling and to have the people of California vote on the issue. As the elections came and went, Proposition 8 was passed and it was now ruled by the majority (the people) that same sex marriages should NOT be allowed. So with a majority voting YES on 8 many would think that would end it, but only in California could such and issue create even more legal battles.

In this case the question goes far beyond the question of same sex marriages. The problem we have here is the voices of the citizens who are not being heard by the government who vowed to protect and serve them. Is the Attorney General proposing that everyone who voted is being unconstitutional?


Monday, December 8, 2008


Many of us including myself worried about the outcome of the election and exactly what it was going to do for our country. Fortunately there is light at the end of the tunnel. Things started to unravel themselves just a short time after the elections.

A couple weeks ago I learned that Obama would keep implementing the Bush tax policies until 2010 when they will set to expire. What this means is that the ideology of taking from hardworking individuals the money they earned would not be taken by the government who would "re-distribute" as they saw fit (as if they don't do that enough already).

Then I also learned Defense Secretary Gates was going to be re-appointed. Since Gates has served as Defense Secretary for the Bush administration and carried out the Bush policies for the past 2 years, many far left individuals are shocked at Barrack Obama's decision to keep him in position.

Below is a link to a very intersting article by, they have noticed the center/almost right position Barrack Obama has taken to carry out his administration and how that has many liberals feeling deserted.;_ylt=Atlv2gpQzbXmgs_9TjBB5XsazJV4

It's interesting how things can CHANGE so much from elections to only a month later. Am I as sorry that Barrack Obama was elected then as I am now? Not really, in fact I'm somewhat glad that he's taken some of these positions that he has. It gives me something to look forward to for the next 4 years.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Something to look forward to...

I ordered my tickets for the Freedom Concert happening August 7th, 2009 is San Diego, CA. Yes, I know that seems so long away but I wanted to make sure that I got the best seat in the house.

For those of you who don't know about the Freedom Concerts, they are fundraisers hosted by Sean Hannity to raise money for children of military families who's lost loved ones or been permanently injured.

It is the least I can do to help the children of those who defended and continue to defend our country.

Please look into supporting this cause....if you are interested. >click on events and check out the one that's closest to your city

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

It's over and done with....

The race is finally over....yes you guessed it, Obama is the next President of the United States of America.

They say "Change is coming.." but what kind of change and is it the change that we need?

For people like me who had other hopes for America, tomorrow will be a day of healing. We can only hope things are not going to be as bad as we think.

Hold your head high and may God Bless our country for the next 4 years.

Voting time!

I will be voting sometime after 5 o'clock today. Such a small event can make such a difference in the world. Americans are not the only ones interested in our political events, the people we choose to represent our country will either help or hurt the rest of the world.

Israel, Iran, Venezuela, Russia, and China (not to mention Al Qaeda and other radicals) are amongst some of the people very interested in the outcome of this race.

Tomorrow is a brand new day, and I hope and pray the right people are elected to lead our country.

Monday, November 3, 2008


Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed

A controversial documentary created by and starring Ben Stein examines the battle between Darwin's Theory of Evolution and Intelligent Design in the realm of science. The extent in which some scientists go through to outcast those who believe in anything other than Darwin's Theory is downright frightening.

Science is supposed to be about the exploration for answer to unanswered questions. The last time I checked there was NO indisputable response to the beginning of life, yet there is only one acceptable answer being taught in schools and to the public. Since when did Darwin's THEORY become fact?!

I urge those who are interested in the study of I.D. as well as Darwin's Theory to watch this documentary with an open mind, and decide not on whether you believe in I.D. but rather on the idea that non-believers are trying to keep it censored.
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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

26 Days Left

In less than a month we will be determining a new strategy for our country, McCain or Obama. This election is one of the most volataile election of our lifetime and the stakes couldn't be any higher. Drama and controversy surround all the candidates, if you didn't know any better you would think it was a soap opera of some sort.

I'm registered, and ready to vote...are you?

Friday, October 3, 2008

An American Carol vs. Religulous

An American Carol directed by David Zucker is the first movie of its kind, and I am super excited! A movie starring such stars as Trace Adkins, John Voight, Kelsey Grammar, Dennis Hopper, Bill O'Reilly amongst poking fun at liberals. This is will hopefully put some balance into the restricted acceptance of moderates into the Hollywood political spotlight.

Religulous is a movie written and starring Bill Mahr who pokes fun solely at God and religions. The movie is classified "documentary" but decide for yourself whether or not you think so. The well known comedic atheist finally decided to venture into the big screen.

What I find interesting is how Bill Mahr did not interview one of his closest friend who is a firm believer in God...and who may you ask is this friend? guessed it Hugh Heffner! Maybe Bill was too afraid he wasn't going to be accepted to "heaven" when he dies, you know the one that he calls "the Playboy Mansion."

Let me know what movies you think you can appeal to.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Global Warming...

What do you guys think?

Frankly I care about the enviornment but am not certain that we are in any grave danger.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Summer is almost over

10 weeks of Spanish has my head spinning with so many palabras....ugh! It was tough but glad that I made it through in one piece. It's been tough trying to find time to relax between everything else that's been going on.

God Bless everyone hope you are all having a wonderful summer as well.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Am I the only one?!

Walking home with a couple of my classmates from Spanish class our conversation turned political and naturally they asked me if I was a Republican. Based on my point of views and who's policies I was advocating it was pretty obvious. They jumped all over me for being conservative and being pro-military.

Am I in an alternate universe where I can no longer find people my age who believe and advocate the same views as I do? Conservatism came into my life when most people didn't even care about politics. Now at 25 I'm finding that most people my age still have far a different view from mine.

I guess the only question running through my mind is...
Is conservatism in young people dead?!

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Super Tuesday!!!

It's almost voting time and I'm super excited to finally know who I am voting for. I know Mitt Romney may not be everyones ideal candidate but with McCain running against him there is no doubt that Romney is the better candidate for me.

I know many people question him because of his Mormon religion, but when it comes to conservative and republican policies Romney beats McCain by a long shot.

See you guys at the polls!

- Katrina

Friday, January 18, 2008


The primaries are just around the corner...hmmmm....tough decisions need to be made. I just pray that the right people are nominated and elected. We can't afford to make mistakes in a time of war.

Who will you be voting for?

Saturday, January 12, 2008


Ugh! Frustrating!!! Can't seem to go to sleep no matter what I do! :-(

I'll be exhausted tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A New Beginning...

A new year...a new start...another chance to try to make things right.

Funny how we can look at the new year as a starting point for a new beginning, by forgetting everything from the last year and starting over...I wish it was always that easy.

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