Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, November 7, 2008

Something to look forward to...

I ordered my tickets for the Freedom Concert happening August 7th, 2009 is San Diego, CA. Yes, I know that seems so long away but I wanted to make sure that I got the best seat in the house.

For those of you who don't know about the Freedom Concerts, they are fundraisers hosted by Sean Hannity to raise money for children of military families who's lost loved ones or been permanently injured.

It is the least I can do to help the children of those who defended and continue to defend our country.

Please look into supporting this cause....if you are interested. >click on events and check out the one that's closest to your city


DANIEL said...

Daniel is my name;and i have enjoyed your message.
Your picture too is very nice;and i like it.
Please,do continue with the good work;as the saying goes,hard work never kill but it only makes the world a better place to live unquote.
Happy turkey day!.
My regards to all the students;not forgetting Mr.Ken Baker the admissions director.
Thank you.

Katrina said...

Thank you Daniel!

DANIEL said...

Dear Katrina;
I am really grateful for your swift reply;and i hope you are enjoying your holiday.
Best of luck!.

DANIEL said...

How is campus?
I hope all is well by the grace of God.
Please,kindly let me hear from you.
Our University has just re-opened and i hope yours too is the same.
Best of luck!

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