Regent University School of Udnergraduate Studies

Friday, October 26, 2007


As many of you might have heard on the news, Southern California was hit hard with wild fires.
So much damaged in such a short amount of time.

The winds quickly changed directions in very unpredicatble manner, and many did not even have time to grab what was packed; clothing, pictures, toys, and other possessions all gone in a matter of minutes. It's hard to imagine just what those victims have suffered; your whole life gone right before your eyes. With the evacuation in the back of everyone's mind, it makes you wonder about your most valuable assets.

Luckily, San Diego as a whole pulled together and made the best out of a very bad situation. People donated what they could to help those who weren't as fortunate, and lost everything in the fire.

In the end I know we will all come out of this stronger than before; everyone will come out of this okay.

Please pray for those directly and indirectly affected by the wild fires.
Thanks and God Bless

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